WHD Turkish Activities 2019 and 2020

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What happened on 28th July 2020 World Hepatitis Day in Istanbul…

s year was different from the previous years in terms of prohibition and restrictions in open area activities due to COVID-19 pandemia. We have had some different activities to inform Turkish people about hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and we try to convince them to have blood tests for HBV and HCV.

07 03 06

We prepared our own big posters and hung them in different avenues and boulevards throughout Istanbul stating that “Get Tested and Have Treatment for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C” and “Diagnosis is Easy and Treatment is Available”.

As a traditional part of Turkish WHD activities, the FSM Bosphorus Bridge connecting Europe and Asia was lit up in yellow to remind the color of jaundice as a hallmark of liver disease on 28th July night.

07 03 07

07 03 08

07 03 09Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Cakaloglu, the President of Turkish Liver Foundation, prepared a Press Document for World Hepatitis Day which had a place in different TV channels and news-papers as an important health issue with the information of Viral Hepatitis Elimination program of the entire world.

Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Cakaloglu also performed a 30-minute-live conference on Instagram and Facebook as a part of WHD activity, and answered several questions related to hepatitis B and hepatitis C. We hope next year everything will be different and we will all be together in open area activities in 2021 WHD.

07 03 11


We created our World Hepatitis Day film to raise the awareness of viral hepatitis, and this short video animation film was shown in tube stations, subway cars and metrobuses.
We used the motto of “Find The Missing Millions” for those who are not aware of their infection of hepatitis B or hepatitis C.We also used billboards in different crowded places of Istanbul to give the same message and to inform people to get tested for viral hepatitis. 
07 03 10 
 07 03 12
 07 03 13
 tkcv logo 07 03 14  07 03 15 

07 03 16


Dünya Hepatit Birliği (World Hepatitis Alliance – WHA) ile paralel olarak 2019 yılında “Find the Missing Millions” sloganı ile Karaciğer Vakfı olarak biz de “HEPATİT HASTASI KALMASIN” başlıklı 3 görsel hazırladık. Beşiktaş Belediyesi desteği ile hazırlanan bu görsellerimizi, 28 Temmuz Dünya Hepatit Günü’nde halkımıza dağıttık.  Bu görsellerde 3 alt konuyu ele aldık…

Bir anne ve bebeğinin fotoğrafının yer aldığı posterimizde “Hepatit A ve Hepatit B aşıları, çocuklar için zorunlu aşı takvimimizde vardır… Çocuklarımızın aşılarını ihmal etmeyelim. Aşı ile hepatitten koruyalım.”  diye seslendik.

Genç bir kadının fotoğrafının kullanıldığı posterde ise “Dövme, piercing, akupunktur, sünnet kulak deldirme, diş tedavisi gibi risk taşıyan girişimler sağlıklı ve steril koşullarda yatırılmalıdır.”  dedik.

Son posterimizde ise “Hepatit B, ilaçlarla kontrol altına alınabilir, Hepatit C tedavi edilebilir. Yeter ki doktorunuzun tedavi planını uygulayın.”  diye uyarımızı yaptık. Genel olarak “Haydi Test Yaptırmaya” çağrısını da yineledik.

Çok sayıda eczane, vitrinine bu afişlerden asarak toplumsal bilgilendirme çabamıza yardımcı oldu. Bazı hastanelerdeki poster panolarında asılması, ulusal ve uluslararası kongrelerde yine poster alanlarında sergilenmesi de yararlı çabalar oldu.    

Dr.Hilal Ünalmış Duda

07 03 17   07 03 18    tkcv logo
 07 03 14


What Happened on 28 July 2019

This year  we worked 4 NGOs together.

Hep-Yaşam (patients association), Turkish Liver Foundation,

Turkish Liver Research Association and Viral Hepatitis

Society (doctors associations).

We met with many people in the 4 stands in Kadikoy square.

Our doctors explained  everything about viral hepatitis

to visitors and answered all of the questions.

We had got  lots of balloons, posters, brochures,

music band, pandomimic team , modern dance team,

giant  yellow letters representing viral HEPATITIS.
We hanged  "Hepatitis C is a curable disease" campaing's

poster that 400 volenteers attend with their photographs

As you know ;  lights of İstanbul Bosphorus's bridges

are turning yellow for  awareness every year on 28th July.
Historical Galata Tower's lights also turned yellow on

28th July at this year. There were lots of news, TV interviews  and social media sharing and and press conference about  WHD. 
07 04 01 
 07 04 06 07 04 03 
 07 04 04  07 04 05

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